The foundation process is important because it’s the group of elements that will hold the structure. Special attention should be paid, since a big part of the stability of the building depends on the type of soil. Previously, the respective cable and water trenches that the project precises should be done.
After finishing the foundation, next comes the step where the formwork frames of the house are assembled. After that, and once the frames are settled, the electrical and water pipes that will run through the walls of the house, which will be correctly attached to the rebar.
In this phase, the STRONGFORMS system is assembled by means of slotted dowels and wedges in the walls, and clamps for the floor slab. The assembly time is approximately 4 hours, considering a 50 m² house.
A rectangular profile is placed along the length of each wall to ensure good alignment of the formwork, which improves the quality of the final finish.
Next, the formwork is concreted from the top, an operation that is carried out quickly and easily. This way, both the walls and the slabs of the house are filled at the same time, optimizing its execution.
To check the filling and vibration of the concrete, the system provides small inspection hatches located at the base of the windows.
After 8 hours of pouring the concrete, we start the stripping process. This is done in an easy and comfortable way with the use of the specific tools that STRONGFORMS provides for the operations of separating the slabs and extracting the wall tie.
We will assemble the same equipment on a new foundation in the case of single-family houses or on the slab itself in the case of multi-floor buildings.
Once the formwork has been stripped and the mandatory period has passed, an intensive quality control of the critical points of the construction is done and the finish of the house is examined.